HS Etiquette (GB) – Celta/Pasat
Chestnut stallion, foaled on 17th of February, 2006
Measurements: 159-180-19,5 cm
Dam line: Gazella d.b. ~1840, b. Anazeh Sebaa (B), imp. 1845 Jarczowce (PL)
Sire line: Saklawi I 1886, b. Anazeh Ruala (B)
Celtis (HS Etiquette (GB) – Celta/Pasat) photo: Lidia Pawłowska
Racing record:
Endurance record:
HS Etiquette (GB) grey 1998 Halsdon Arabians |
Simeon Sadik (AU) | Asfour (DE) | Malik (DE) |
Hanan (EG) | |||
Simeon Safanad (AU) | Sankt Georg RSI (US) | ||
27 Ibn Galal- 5 (HU) | |||
Etenta (PL) | Monogramm (US) | Negatraz (US) | |
Monogramma (US) | |||
Emigracja (PL) | Palas (SU) | ||
Emisja (PL) | |||
Celta (PL) grey 1998 SK Janów Podlaski |
Pasat (PL) | Gwarny (PL) | Amurath Sahib (PL) |
Gwara (PL) | |||
Parma (SU) | Aswan (EG) | ||
Pokaznaja (SU) | |||
Celna (PL) | Alegro (PL) | Probat (SE) | |
Algeria (PL) | |||
Ceduła (PL) | Bandos (PL) | ||
Cesja (PL) |
CELTIS has proven himself as a capable athlete, both in terms of speed (at the track) and stamina (in endurance).
His sire HS ETIQUETTE comes from the esteemed breeding program of Shirley Watts. He holds the titles of Elran Cup Top Five, European Senior Champion Stallion World Senior Top Ten and Dubai International Senior Top Five. HS ETIQUETTE combines the best of Australian and Polish breeding. His sire is SIMEON SADIK, bred in Australia, but a Straight Egyptian in blood. SIMEON SADIK has struck major show success not only in Australia (as Australian East Coast Champion), but also abroad – International UK Champion Stallion, World, European and All Nations Cup Reserve Champion Stallion, which is rarely achieved by a horse of a black coat color. Maternally HS ETIQUETTE belongs to the E-dynasty of champion horses from Michałów Stud, founded by EMIGRACJA, who is his direct granddam. EMIGRACJA lay the foundation for this dynasty with supreme daughters in the likes of EMIGRANTKA, EMANACJA, ELANDRA, ELLADA and EMOCJA, who went on to produce a plethora of show champions, including such as EMANDORIA or EL DORADA.
CELTIS is a grandson of CELNA, a prized Janów Podlaski broodmatron of great merit, with extremely versatile produce exhibiting both beauty and stamina – traits which epitomize the genuine classic Arabian horse. An accomplishment the more significant, as it comes in times when victorious racing or show horses stem from sire and dam lines bred exclusively for one of these purposes. CELNA’s descendants includes capable racehorses CALDERON (Arabian Produce – Janów Podlaski St. winner) & CELTIS (Derby and Criterium St. Winner) and stars of the show arena: CHAOS PERSEFONA (DSAH Arabian Horse Event Junior Champion, Polish National Junior Top Five, European Senior Top Five, Breeders’ and International Championships Europe Senior Champion Mare), CETULION (Arabische Pferde in Westfalen Junior Bronze Champion, Berlin Cup Junior Silver Champion & Emerald Trophy Junior Bronze Champion Stallion), CEDORA (Junior Spring Show Top Five Mare), CEFEIDA (Junior Spring Show class winner), CERANOVA (Junior Spring Show Yearling Bronze Champion, Polish National Junior Top Five) and CENOZA – Autumn Show Junior Champion, Scandinavian Open Senior Reserve Champion, Prague InterCup Senior Bronze Champion, Autumn Show Senior Reserve Champion, European Senior Top Five, World Senior Top Ten Mare and high-seller of the 2014 Pride of Poland at 240 thousand euro.